I've been overdue for a visit to the other coast, and what better time than summer to enjoy the shore?
Gulls are the most common shorebird, but great egrets (and cormorants) can be found in the marshes.
Ospreys, once an uncommon sight, are thriving. Channel markers are popular (and successful) nesting sites.
We cruised past a pair of (docked)
clam dredges. Recreational boats outnumber commercial boats, by far.
I connected over a fine lobster roll sandwich with a long-time friend. Crabs are more commonly caught, this far south, but evidently some local lobstering is successful.
Have you wondered why they call these beach cruisers? This density was reminiscent of bicycle-centric Amsterdam. Evidently bike theft is not a big issue here. They're low-value, but ...
still. This is not a sight you would see in the Bay Area.
When we broke out our lunches, I was surprised that the gulls were not aggressive. Instead, they waited patiently for a family to pack up and leave before swooping down to search for tidbits dropped by the kids.
I enjoyed a couple of thunderstorms, saw one firefly and my first
spotted lantern fly. (This one hopped away, but I summarily dispatched the next two I found.)
One thing I don't miss is the oppressive humidity. A storm rolled through, but brought no relief. Fortunately, it didn't interfere with the weekly fireworks show.
Barbecues, boat rides, birds, beaches. Summer fun at the Jersey Shore.