August 14, 2024

Pedal Power

It's been ... a while.
I joined a club ride today, and one of the stronger riders captured a photo of me coming up a hill (trailed by a few others).

We had a friendly group of people, most of whom I knew. On a “regular” bike, I was in the minority; more than half of the riders were on e-bikes. Coasting on a downhill, I was surprised to pass two of them—but of course, they had every advantage on the climbs.

The group bifurcated, with the stronger cyclists and battery-powered cyclists waiting for the rest of us at various points. [Until they didn't.]

Despite taking it easy on the ride home, my overall pace was still faster than the expected pace for the ride ... and yet I trailed the pack. It brought back memories of the first club I'd joined, many years ago, which I left after being routinely dropped (and sometimes lost) on group rides where everyone rode faster than the advertised pace.

It was nice to see folks I hadn't seen in quite some time, and to catch up with those who lingered for lunch at the end of the ride. It was less nice to ride off the back, knowing that if I paused to snap a photo I would only fall farther behind. [Hence, no photos.]

I completed more than 47 miles with some 1,600 feet of elevation gain by riding to meet the group en route (and back). Would I join another club ride? (Maybe.)

Or maybe not.

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