May 15, 2024

Spring Along the Trail

We were charmed by a few California Sisters today that were determined to perch on people, reminding me of a summertime experience I had before moving to the Bay Area. If I would pause at my back door upon coming home from work, a friendly Red Admiral would circle in and land on me, often atop my head. I could feel strands of hair moving as it explored. I'd wait patiently, sometimes for several minutes, before it would flutter away. As the season wore on, it lost bits of its wings (to predators, I assumed), until it came no more.
Accompanied by docents, most of the group was focused on spotting spring flowers, but there was no overlooking the butterflies.
Not to mention the occasional vista!

One docent was on the lookout for a particular plant (Broad-leaved stonecrop), and knew just where we'd find it. I loved the mix of colors!

Our hike was short (3 miles), but filled with spring blooms. Get 'em while they last ... summer is approaching.

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