May 13, 2024

Be Cool

Expecting warm weather, three friends agreed to join me for a hike in the forest today. It's not an easy hike—there are hills to climb (and descend)—but it's well-shaded.
Having no post-hike commitments, I decided to do a little more exploring (albeit, exposed to the sun).

Private estates were once built on this land, later acquired for the establishment of a religious institution (Alma College), and more recently for a nature preserve (Bear Creek Redwoods).

I wandered through what remains (and is accessible), trying to imagine the site in its heyday. The former carriage house is now a habitat for bats, which seemed a worthy use for it.

My additional trekking, added to the usual loop, amounted to more than six miles (and about 1,000 feet of elevation gain). The vibe around the college site felt decidedly creepy—most likely because I was the only person around. Worth it, though, to satisfy my curiosity.

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