May 24, 2024

Butterflies or Bust!

A docent-led hike focused on ... butterflies?

I hit the jackpot on this hike: Not only were the lead docents impressively prepared to share their knowledge with posters and books about butterflies, it seemed that most of my fellow hikers were docents themselves. If the butterflies eluded us, we would certainly learn about the plants.

As the group gathered, I noticed a bunch of butterflies (variable checkerspots) converging on some nearby bushes. The reason became clear: they favor yerba santa, which was in full bloom. Perhaps we really would see many butterlies today?

Variable checkerspots were plentiful, but another one caught my eye—something lovely that I hadn't seen before. I couldn't offer much of a description beyond “orange” and “small.” Fortunately it didn't flutter away before I got the docent's attention.

A gorgon copper, he happily announced.

Also new to me were the bush poppies.

We spent most of our time on the Bald Mountain and Umunhum trails, covering more than 3 miles (out and back), before driving up to the summit for a little more exploring.

Another well-planned adventure: Our leaders knew where, and when, we would find butterflies. Some even lingered long enough to be photographed!

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