September 10, 2024

Solace by the Bay

I've seen this movie before. Long-time homeowner sells; new owner moves in and suddenly notices the mature tree(s) on the property. Trees that are older than the new owners. First order of business? Cut 'em down!

Heartbroken that the neighborhood would be losing yet another towering giant, and not enthused about listening to chainsaws and chippers all day, I pedaled away. I had already been planning a long ride.

A preening white pelican perched near a napping cormorant.

A great egret hunted along the shoreline.
My habitual baylands ride is a counter-clockwise loop, heading northwest along the edge of San Francisco Bay. During one of my birdwatching pauses, I turned to cast my gaze behind me. The path aligned with Hangar 2 at Moffett Field; Hangar 3, to the left, has been deemed unsalvageable and demolition is underway. Hangar 1, largely restored, is on the right.
With a gratuitous climb on the way home, I completed my 45-mile loop with 1,100 feet of elevation gain. Wood dust and scrapes on the pavement were the only evidence of my new neighbors' once-mighty tree.

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