July 19, 2022

Sparkling Surf

Although we planned to visit the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve later, I was on my own this morning and decided to do some exploring. I found a trail entrance off Main Street and followed it across a field to ... Highway 1. Not having studied a map online, nor found one at the trailhead, it wasn't clear how to proceed. Walk across the highway?! After turning back, I watched a couple do just that.
Apart from a tangled mass of flowering shrubs in one section and moss-festooned trees on a hillside, this section of the preserve was unremarkable.
I resisted having a piece of pie at lunchtime (not enough exercise today). We found some shade on the patio behind the cafe, and when I glanced up ... what to my wondering eyes did appear?
We were seated beneath an Aermotor. [Of all things!]

After lunch we headed for the coastal section of the Fiscalini Preserve, which we first experienced in misty gray tones.

The sun broke through as we strolled along the Coastal Bluff trail. It must be spectacular when the wildflowers are blooming, given all the bush lupine shrubs we passed. But there were still lovely plants to behold.
Critters, too. [This ground squirrel wasn't striking a pose, but expecting to be fed.]
We extended our adventure by visiting Moonstone Beach. Arriving surfers jogged with their boards to join those already bobbing in the water.

I know nothing about how to surf, but this being California, I have naturally seen my fair share of surfers. And I would say they've all pretty much looked the same. Until I saw this guy.

In a word: Wow. I'd never seen anyone like him, completely at one with his board and the wave. Chill.

Brushing the sand from our shoes, we returned to town. Tomorrow: Morro Bay.

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