As I started my ride the tune looping in my head was Blue Tango, which had popped up on the radio as I drove to our meeting point. But once the rolling hills along Calaveras Road came into view, my internal soundtrack flipped to something decidedly more prosaic.
Green Acres is the place to be ...
This is a very popular cycling route—a route where you can count on seeing more bicycles than cars.
Today drew out even more cyclists than usual, likely with a common inspiration: Catch the peak of green-ness here; there will be no more rain this season, and warmer temperatures will quickly fade the grasses.
As I passed one of the small groups clustered above the top of The Wall, one guy called out “Well, hello there!” in a tone of voice you might expect to be followed by “Come here often?” I have no idea what that was about; a femme fatale, I am not. [Made me laugh, though.]
I was surprised to see the aftermath of last year's fire; I had forgotten that some of this area had been affected. My heart sank when I saw that one photogenic spot, where I have often stopped, had burned.
When we reached the Sunol Regional Wilderness Preserve, the parking lots were already full. But on a bicycle? No problem, the ranger blocking the entrance just waved.
I picked up a trail map at the visitor center (I should come back here for a hike, sometime). We also scored brightly-colored bandanas, featuring the native flora and fauna, courtesy of the East Bay Regional Park District. Truly a memento of this time, the artist worked images of face masks into the design.
Our timing was spot-on: While we were there, they'd re-opened vehicle access. The line of cars stretched ... a long, long way. The fee-free access period is about to end (though, the pandemic is not); it will be interesting to see how popular the parks remain in the weeks ahead.
On the way back, I noticed a small roadside memorial ... next to a gap in the barbed-wire fence.
30 miles and 2,720 feet of climbing felt just right, today. I shared photos with some colleagues (trying to encourage more of them to get out and explore). One of them exclaimed “I didn't know there was that much green in the entire Bay Area!”
Land spreadin' out so far and wide ...