June 27, 2014


Years ago, when I was relatively new to cycling, I sought out a bike fitter to address worsening knee pain. He made the proper adjustments and asked about my riding habits. When I told him that I biked only on weekends, he explained that I was essentially starting over (fitness-wise) every week.

Matilija poppies (foreground), commute bicycle on the Stevens Creek Trail.
Not being an early bird, I could not imagine rising before the sun for a workout before heading to the office. And it would be so easy to talk myself out of an after-work ride. My best option was clear: ride my bike to work. I typically made the effort a couple of times per month, which did pay fitness dividends.

Last year I set a personal record for bicycle-commuting to work by averaging one ride per week. This year I decided to up my game.

What if ... what if my preferred method for commuting to (and from) work was bicycling? I am a fair-weather rider, but in the Bay Area we are blessed with an abundance of fair weather.

Which brings me to today: rounding out 1,825 miles of bicycle commuting with trip number 52. Halfway through the year.

Time to rest on my laurels? (I think not.)


  1. I suspect that I've managed to hit 52 bicycle commutes during the nearly 4 months I've been in Germany. Do you have a simple way (perhaps a script to scrape Google Maps) to tell how many times you've bicycle commuted? Or did you count by hand? I'm too lazy too count but not too lazy to ride my bike.

    1. I used to tally them in a text file; now I update a cell in a spreadsheet. Path of least resistance.
