November 28, 2020

A Reason to Ride

After yesterday's outing, my chief ride buddy needed a break. But, it was such a nice day ...

With a snack in my pocket and no definite plan (other than a trip to the post office), I set out on my bike.

When a passer-by took notice of the little sign affixed to my bike (“This vehicle is smog free”) I braced for a negative reaction. [Such is life in our modern age.] Other than reading it aloud, though, he offered no comment. [Whew.] I've had that placard since ... I was was teenager. [Translation: A long time ago.] Remembering it, and being somewhat of a packrat, I had dug it out a few years ago and mounted it on my commute bike.

I opted for a loop, rather than retracing my path, and considered going out of my way to extend the ride.

But it was such a nice day ... I kept pedaling. To Almaden Lake Park, where I claimed a bench and enjoyed my snack and people-watching (equally).

Biking 20 miles, and climbing 460 feet along the way, was a splendid way to spend a sunny November afternoon.

November 27, 2020

Seasons Change

'Twas the day after Thanksgiving, and all through the house ... [Oops, different holiday.]

Now that there's a chill in the air, an exposed (sunny) route is the ticket to happiness. To Metcalf, or not to Metcalf, that was the question.

My ride buddy's answer? Metcalf!

Given the date (“Black Friday”) and the need for advance reservations to use the dirt bike park, I anticipated few vehicles on the road. [Correct!] At the summit, we had a clear view of Mount Hamilton (and Lick Observatory) in the distance.

Temperature regulation is tricky this time of year. The light jacket over my wool jersey was not quite enough once we started cruising, and way too much halfway up the hill. Just keep turning the pedals, round and round ... Given the pause for my wardrobe adjustment, this would not be my best time up the hill (and, a minute slower than my last trip).

Continuing our route after coming down the backside, I spotted a fellow club member heading in the opposite direction and waved. [Birds of a feather, we are.] I'd mapped out a loop that would take us along part of the ambitious climb-a-thon I'd once led. No need to go overboard, today. We paused to admire some unfamiliar trees with brilliant foliage along the residential streets.

Having climbed 2,200 feet over 20 miles, I set off on a local quest after returning home. November's workplace challenge (to encourage us to get outside and get moving) is to snap five photos featuring places serving different cuisines. That being hardly a challenge in the Bay Area, I decided to up my game by seeking out one-of-a-kind businesses, ranging from a tiny Jamaican spot to a noted farm-to-table restaurant with three Michelin stars. It was a lovely afternoon, growing ever chillier by the time I finished my little 9 mile loop (with merely 260 additional feet of climbing).

Leftover turkey, for my dinner.

November 24, 2020

A Spot of Tea

It was a lovely day (and, a day off work). A day to indulge in a simple pleasure: riding my bike to a friend's house.

Sheltering at home, with his dad on an extended escape from a state suffering a surge in COVID-19 cases, my friend was hoping I would join them for Thanksgiving. Tempting, but ... indoors? No. [They understood.]

A shorter visit, outdoors? Sure! I brought cookies, they brewed the tea, and we shared the afternoon sunshine in the backyard, safely apart.

Much to the amazement of my friend's dad, I'd biked a little over 8 miles to get there—and by the time I got home, a total of 18 miles and 400 feet of climbing. [No big deal.] More importantly, I raised their spirits (and, mine).

Will do again.

November 21, 2020

A Touch of Color

A bright spot in the landscape. Even in the Bay Area, some trees do grace us with traditional fall colors.

We were delighted to cross paths with a couple of club members, singletons out for their rides. My chief ride buddy and I form a socially-distant pair, keeping each other in sight and otherwise pausing before making a turn.

Truth be told, capturing a photo of the broad-leafed maple's brilliant yellow leaves was only one factor in my decision to stop. The larger factor was my weakness on the steep grade (heart rate, 177 bpm). If I can't manage this side of Hicks, I certainly can't manage the (even steeper) other side.

Heading out on our loop, we passed the usual spin class—now expanded into the shopping center's parking lot. Would it be cheeky of me to wave? I am so tempted.

On our way back, we passed a guy in a hoodie, biking with his helmet (unbuckled, of course) perched on top. He was wearing a face mask, so ... there's that. Likelihood of serious head injury if he crashes: High. Likelihood of encountering an infectious dose of a virus somehow wafting in the breeze: Zero, essentially.

The climb did me in: 29 miles, 1,825 feet of ascent. I told myself I'd be glad that I did it, after I was done. [True, that.] And I suppose I should keep trying. [I suppose.]

November 14, 2020

Partly Cloudy

We found the cloudy part. And the damp chilly part.
We skipped a club ride scheduled for 9 a.m. Let's start riding at 10 ... scratch that, 10:30. The sky seemed to be growing lighter, but the sun did not begin to break through until we had finished our outing.

At the top of Bernal, our heads turned at the cyclist who blithely rode on through. Perhaps he is authorized to do so. Or perhaps not.

Our heads also turned at a trio of riders on fat-tire electric “bicycles.” Yes, they have two wheels, a chain, and pedals—but I have yet to observe a rider doing anything more than resting his or her feet on them. Perhaps those electrified motorbikes will fall out of fashion, or come to be licensed and regulated. Perhaps their operators will learn that traffic laws apply to them, too.
There was a bit of color to be found in the landscape, and in our cheeks after climbing 1,000 feet over 30 miles. Tomorrow's weather might be better. Or it might not. So, we rode today.

October 10, 2020

The Aftermath

All sensors green, the air throughout the Bay Area was clean! A day, finally, for the ride I'd hoped would be the finale of my Best Buddies 2020 Challenge: Mt. Hamilton. The ride I'd planned before the Fires.

I was anxious to survey the post-fire landscape. Lick Observatory, I knew, had been successfully defended.

The first sighting of scorched terrain was at the edge of the foothills, approaching Grant Ranch Park. The demarcation line was clear: the pinkish stain left by the fire retardant separated the blackened earth from the golden grasses.

At the Twin Gates trailhead, the hillside had burned right down to the parking lot. The next stark containment line emerged at Smith Creek, past the CalFire station. To the right, uphill: burned. To the left, a field: spared. A few wild turkeys poked around in the brush.

Where they had not been totally incinerated, charred stubs of wooden fence posts hung suspended in the barbed wire. There were wide-open vistas that I don't recall.

The heat had been enough to melt at least one metal marker.

I was mystified by the occasional tangle of white material that looked almost like the hide of some unfortunate animal. That made no sense, fur would have burned . . . Then it came to me: Fiberglass. The flat, plastic reflector posts that line the edge of the road are made (in part) of fiberglass. When the rest was vaporized, the fiberglass was left behind.

Nearly all the pines that once dropped their enormous cones onto the roadway were gone. The cleanup has been underway for some time. Many of the dead trees have been removed, the sides of the road now dotted with their stumps.

The fire had burned the top of the mountain, encircling the observatory. Exposed animal trails criss-cross the slopes. 

I'd heard that one (unused) building had been lost, but didn't expect to see it. 

On my last visit, I had (uncharacteristically) continued a short distance on San Antonio Road to admire the vista. What a lucky choice that was, to have taken it in just a couple of months before the backcountry burned right up to the summit.

That was then.

This is now.

Then . . .

. . . now.

Despite all my lollygagging, I covered the 39 miles and climbed 4,890 feet at a faster pace (8.7 mph) than in June (7.9 mph).

Winter rains will bring mudslides and green grasses. But it will take decades, for the trees.

October 4, 2020

Best Buddies 2020 Challenge: Stage 15

There are many advantages to riding in an organized event: rest stops with food, water, and portable toilets, and SAG (support-and-gear) vehicles that can save your day. As I thought about designing a suitable ride of my own for this year's Best Buddies Hearst Castle Challenge, I regrettably decided against attemping a 100-mile ride. Restrooms, food, and water are not reliably available; facilities in public parks, for example, are often shuttered. The possibility of being stranded far from home was intimidating in this era of social distancing.

I considered four 25-mile loops; my home would, of course, be a fine rest stop. But that wasn't very exciting. A friend thought I might Everest and offered to support me. That was flattering, but . . . no.  And so I hatched this idea to bike on 15 consecutive days, which would beat my previous personal best (9 days).

Hazardous air quality interrupted my ride series; I managed three stretches of consecutive days: 5-4-5. I had reached out to former teammates to join me for some rides, but unpredictable conditions made planning infeasible. I wanted the final stage to be significant, but not wanting to delay it indefinitely I settled for a modest route through a part of the Bay Area blessed today with a temporary respite from wildfire smoke.

On a Sunday morning, this route was particularly traffic-free. The cycling infrastructure has been improved, including a lovely bit of green bike lane at an intersection I generally avoided after being bumped by an inattentive driver. Good to know, but it will be quite some time before I might bike to the office again.


I'd brought some snacks to refuel, but as I puttered along I had a better idea. Sugar. Butter. Flour. Might that bakery be open? [Yes!] After all, completing my Challenge called for some celebration. A too-rich, decadent chocolate truffle cake was my lunch.

By adding a few hills, I climbed 1,225 feet over 42 miles. On my road bike, there was no excuse not to tackle the climb to the water treatment plant. I felt strong heading up the hill, why did I think this would be so hard? Then the final punishing stretch came into view. Photos never quite convey steepness, but in this view from the top notice how the road seems to disappear.

I had saved one more special treat for this day: my last Mango Tango.

And thus concludes my Best Buddies 2020 Challenge: 15 stages, 370 miles, and 13,272 feet of climbing.