August 24, 2019

The Descender

“That lady is fast!”

“She's a descender,” our ride leader replied.

We had been ready to move on after the last rider had regrouped, and there had been some chatter about who should go first. [I took off.]

I was puttering about at home this morning when I realized that today's ride would start at 9:00 a.m, not the 9:30 a.m. I had in my head. I scrambled to get myself together and pushed a fast pace to the start. Not the easy warm-up I'd planned, given that I'm slowly recovering from last Saturday's blood donation (my 77th!).

I rolled up at 8:45 a.m. and ... no one else was there, yet.

We enjoyed our snacks under the redwoods at Uvas Canyon County Park after climbing up Croy Road. The road had been damaged one winter, and somehow I haven't visited in more than three years.

There was some chatter about who should go first. [I took off. Again.]

One must always take care on the bumpy and rutted section through Sveadal, but after that ... well, the bike is fast. A little faster than I'd like, I was thinking, as I rounded a curve. I reminded myself that it was fine. Just fine.

The rollers slowed me down, and another rider caught up. “You're fast, downhill!” [And slow, uphill.] “And you're good!” Yeah, that takes 'em by surprise, since I'm nearly always off the back otherwise.

Somehow, we had headwind in both directions, which isn't fair! After I got home, I realized I needed to run an errand, and the obvious solution was to get back on the bike. [Eh, it was a flat few more miles.] For the day, 58 miles with 2,090 feet of uphill (and downhill!).

August 17, 2019

The Goldilocks Ride

I wasn't enthused about the challenging rides on offer today. One was too far away. One was too much like my commute. One was too steep.

One seemed just right: an easy ride with a leader I didn't know, who happens to lead a lot of rides. (Seventy-one this year, including today's.)

I knew it would be short, and I wanted to avoid the regular weekend traffic snarl, so I biked to the start.

The bike lane near the hockey arena (San Jose Sharks) made me smile. How many levels of approval did it take for that? [Maybe none?]

Our small group puttered down the Guadalupe River Trail, exiting for a coffee stop.

After which, well, things pretty much fell apart.

Our ride leader was certain that something had fallen out of her saddle bag and was determined to circle back on the route to look for it. She waved the rest of us forward, to continue on our own.

Without a route sheet.

I stayed with one guy who said he knew how to get back to the park in Willow Glen where we'd started. [Except that ... he didn't actually know.]

Lost in a maze of residential streets, we needed to find a route across the creek. [I pulled out my phone, which he characterized as “cheating.”] But I wanted to get home in time to get cleaned up and head over to the blood center to donate before they closed for the day.

A flat 40 miles, with a mere 440 feet of climbing (including one more wrong turn, my fault).

As it turned out, my timing was just right: The blood center staff had finally overcome some technical (computer system) difficulties that had caused them to turn away walk-ins most of the day. Donation, done!

August 10, 2019


Each year one of our members hosts an almost day-long barbecue as his team's fundraiser for the MS Society's Waves to Wine ride, and it's become a tradition for some club rides to meander over there.

I was well on my way to the starting point when it occurred to me that I'd left my donation check on the kitchen table. [Sigh.] Today's ride would be a little bit longer than I'd planned ...

Sometimes I find my fellow riders exasperating. Here they are, spread all over the road. Again.

After a nice ride with some mellow hills, I parted ways with the group to retrieve my donation. The roads were clogged with vehicles headed for the coast, so I was relieved to be pedaling past them. (Which was part of my motivation for leaving the car at home today.)

Our host was puzzled when I handed him the check. “How many plates do you want?!“ he asked. “Just one,” I smiled. [I had rounded up.]

The ribs were excellent, as always, and I arrived in time to chat with some of my riding companions. It was an unexpected treat to connect with some club members I haven't seen in some time, too.

49 miles, 2,160 feet of climbing (altogether) to earn those ribs!

August 8, 2019

Meeting on the Mountain

Back to the workday grind.

Wait, you say—that doesn't look like the office.

And, you're right! It's the Mt. Umunhum trail.

A colleague suggested that we cut out early, beat the traffic, and catch up in the car and on a hike (uphill, of course). Before our team was transplanted to a different office, walking meetings along a creek or toward the Bay were not uncommon. Now we're trapped in an office park surrounded by parking lots and freeway interchanges, without so much as a continuous strip of sidewalk. [Let's go!]

I was fascinated by this plant along the trail, which I've never seen before.

After three weeks away, it's taking some time to re-adjust. “Why did you come back?” he asked. [Good question ...] Because, well ... they're not going to let me stay there, are they?

Technical topics, trees, and trekking: 4.5 miles, 500 or so feet. Unfortunately, not enough daylight to make it to the summit and back down—but totally worth the walk.

July 28, 2019

Kunsthaus Zürich

If the weather had cooperated, I would have headed back to the Alps—but alas, the forecast showed nothing but rain.

The common wisdom I've heard is that “Switzerland is closed on Sundays;” but evidently that's an exaggeration. Shops are closed, yes; restaurants (and museums!) are open.

I spent most of the day at the Kunsthaus Zürich, which seemed (to me) to be a nicely curated collection of works by well-known artists (Dali, Matisse, Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh).

This painting stopped me in my tracks, and I wanted to know more.

Otto Baumberger: Mass (1936)
The accompanying text was in German. I turned to Google Translate for help, and what I got was lyrical:
In his picture, Baumberger shows unemployed people during the Geneva unrest of 1932. In front of the cold row of windows of an anonymous façade, he places people who all look the viewer in the eye. They are mostly men, but in the foreground, in bright red, stands a woman, beside her a boy. Distress speaks from these faces, deprivation justified hopelessness. The title of the picture makes it clear that it is not about individuals, but about the mass, the wall of distress that they form together. Following a Käthe Kollwitz, Baumberger wants to make his ears heard here with his art. In the exhibition, the work stands for the socio-critical impetus that was important to many artists of the time.
A haunting image that, sadly, speaks to the world of today as well as it captures the world of its time.

There were many pieces throughout the museum by Giacometti which I didn't really like—with the exception of this painting, which was in a very different style than most of his work.

Augusto Giacometti: Contemplation (1907)

There were surprises in store, works by famous artists that were unfamiliar to me—and so different from familiar works that I would not have guessed at their creators. From a series of bronzes by Matisse,

Henri Matisse: The Back I-IV (1909-1930)

to a soft portrait by Picasso.

Pablo Picasso: Seated Woman with Hat (1921)

I never expected to see a piece painted by a girl (!) in the 17th century, but here was a self-portrait by an abundantly talented Anna Waser.

Anna Waser: Self-Portrait at the Age of Twelve As She Paints the Portrait of Her Teacher Johannes Sulzer (1691)

People-watching led to my favorite moment of the day. There were many families spending an afternoon in the galleries. I smiled as I watched these moms talking to their children about a particular painting; the young boy got so excited that he ran to get a closer look.

I have not found children to be a common sight in museums back home, unless they've been dragged there on an educational class trip.

And home is where I soon will be.

Auf Wiedersehen. Until we meet again.

July 27, 2019

Zürich, Take Two

One tip for traveling overseas with a bike is to buffer the trip with a day or two on both ends. From Burgdorf I headed back to Zürich, where the airport would be a short hop away.

A hunch and a little investigation paid off: When my train arrived, I headed straight for the “Left Luggage” office. For a small fee, I checked my bike bag. Not only did I not have to haul it back and forth to the hotel, they would transport it to the airport—where I would claim it a short walk from the airline's check-in counters. [I could get used to this ...]

After settling into my hotel on Saturday, I went for walk (uphill, of course).

This was fresh territory for me, having climbed above the city on the opposite side of the lake on a previous visit.

The higher I rose, the more it looked like the countryside.

 The afternoon light was dramatic, with a storm moving in.

I remembered to bring my umbrella. Steam rose from the pavement after some showers—something I haven't experienced for many years, as the rainy season in California is winter.

If you take a close look at how steeply the street drops off in my photo, you can see why I was happy not to be cycling here. I saw a sign marking a 22% grade on one hill, but I'd bet this street is steeper.

People do cycle here, however; and the infrastructure is done so well. In the photo above, we can see that the placement for bikes is separately allocated for cyclists turning left and for those traveling straight; and the “stop” line for vehicles is placed behind the bicycle markings. That way the cyclists are fully visible, and not expected to squeeze into the lane-width with a motor vehicle.

Back in town, I found a nice view of the Grossmünster towers as I strolled along the Linmat after dinner. One more full day before I head home ...

July 26, 2019


I spent some time last night studying the map. I had half a mind to go out on my own, after yesterday, and plotted a course to follow a nearby section of the Heart Route.

But I resolved to get over it (yesterday, that is) and be social, instead. This would be our last ride of the trip, and the finale for our host after some 20 years of leading tours like this. Some folks in our group had been on his earliest rides, some had been on more than they could count. My first trip was eight years ago, and I reflected on how these friends had met and aged together. Twelve years from now, will I still be touring?

I made sure I was planted in front of the hotel well before our announced departure time.

Our host mentioned that there might be some steep sections. [Indeed.] We all did some walking when the grade hit 13% (and topped out over 19%).

I turned to Google Translate to decipher this caution sign. “Wood envelope” was the answer. [Um, I don't think so.] Try “lumber yard” (right around the bend). We were in logging territory.

The ride was going smoothly until we arrived at the place where we expected to eat, the Hotel Moosegg, where they were apparently not serving (or perhaps not serving anyone other than their guests, as the tables were set with baskets of croissants). We backtracked to the patio garden of the Gastof Waldhäusern, which was well-placed and welcoming to cyclists.

The butterflies and bees in their garden were busy with the blue globe-thistle.

We found another steep section, this one with just two tracks of pavement; we walked up (and down).

When we reached a freshly paved downhill, I took off. There was a nice big tree at the bottom where we found some shade as we waited for the slower descenders to arrive. It had seemed obvious to head straight down to the main road, but apparently our host had wanted to take a right turn before that. I was surprised, because I didn't see anything that looked like an intersection along the way (or I would have stopped).

And that, perhaps, was the genesis of the confusion that sent us astray. We turned right on the main road, and kept riding. South. Through Signau, which was one of the towns along the route I'd drafted for myself the night before. What was the plan, today? Were we heading for a return-by-train?

When we stopped for a photo-op at this traditional farm building, our host clambered right up to the second level. Unthinkable, this would be, in the U.S. [Trespassing!]

I do prefer the countryside, but it was evident that we continued to travel away from, not toward, Burgdorf. It was another hot day; we stopped at a fountain to douse ourselves with water and refill our bottles.

Approaching mile 24, our host said something about ice cream in the next town. And then the group splintered. One of my Garmin-equipped friends turned north, and three of us followed. Six miles later, on the main road again, we passed that tree where I'd waited at the bottom of the hill. [The other two continued their misadventure with the leader.]

We were eager to get back to Burgdorf, but took a brief break to admire a (busy) covered bridge.

On the outskirts of town, Burgdorf Castle was a welcome sight! We covered 41 miles and about 2000 feet of climbing; the others ... had a longer ride.

We had ample time to disassemble and pack our bikes, get cleaned up, and share our stories over one last dinner together.

These trips have made good friendships and good memories, despite the mishaps; I will miss all of that.