I stopped, though, for both Pacific gopher snakes (deceased)—so they saw those. The second one might have lost a battle with a foe—I think I spotted a puncture wound. (The first one appeared to have lost its life to a vehicle.)
A pair of grackles made me chuckle. Just like the people relaxing along the shores of Almaden Lake, they'd found a shady spot to enjoy the view. Forty miles and about 1,100 feet of climbing along the way. [But it's not all about the bike.]June 13, 2024
Wild Things
June 8, 2024
History, Natural and Not
A friend had recently raved about the gardens at the Carmel Mission, so we decided to pay a visit.
The buildings and historical pieces were fascinating; I thought I'd been here before, touring it during a visit with my mom, but nothing looked familiar. I'm fairly sure she picked up a Christmas tree ornament (featuring the mission) for her collection. The garden was pretty, but not outstanding. Kudos to those who faithfully restored the place, which might otherwise have been razed given its state of disrepair when they took it on.Saving the best for last: no visit would be complete without a leisurely meander along the coastal trail.
I never tire of these views, especially in the late-day sunshine. Monterey Bay at its fog-free best.June 7, 2024
New Views
I expected coastal views. I didn't expect brilliant flowers. I'm already looking forward to another visit—next spring, if not sooner.
We didn't complete the loop I'd planned along the coastal bluff, heading back across the highway to explore a bit of the inland canyon instead. Then we headed for another park, away from the fog and into the sunshine: Garland Ranch Regional Park.Of the potential hikes I'd mapped out, the waterfall loop beckoned. It was a good challenge, and in the counter-clockwise direction we would reach the waterfall toward the end.
I bet it's impressive when the water is flowing; it was barely a trickle now. But I did spot a flower I'd forgotten having seen before (prettyface). Evidently it caught my eye back then, too!June 3, 2024
Fauna vs. Flora
I paused to snap a photo of this flower (yellow star-thistle), and was surprised to find it covered with insects. Insects I hadn't seen before (of which there are, of course, many).
The natural world is amazing. Specfically, these were yellow star-thistle flower weevils. That's right: a creature that feeds on precisely this flower. Like the plant, these weevils are non-native—they were deliberately imported to attack this invasive plant. Evidently they're not alone in this job: there are a couple of other types of yellow-star-thistle-hungry weevils, similarly imported. I've seen a lot of yellow starthistle ... but this was the first time to find any of the devouring weevils. (In the Bay Area, the plant seems to be winning.)Life is full of little surprises—always be looking!
June 1, 2024
Gold Country Challenge
Having been humbled when I added more hillclimbing to my rides recently, I wasn't at all sure I could finish this ride. Looking at the route profile, I realized there was a reason for the word “Challenge” in the name.
I stopped only once to take pictures, on a bridge over the Yuba River. The water was flowing fast (and cold, I would expect).Just like last time, I did not stop for a photo when we crossed the river the first time. It's a scenic spot, but I was more keen to use my downhill momentum for a boost on the climb up the far side. [Maybe next time?]
My legs gave out on a steep pitch near the end, where they'd routed us through a residential neighborhood for a break from the main road. “We're almost done,” a passing rider encouraged me. “That's good,” I said, “because my legs are done!” I dismounted and walked up the last bit (over 10% grade). A postal service truck was stopped at the top, and when I got there the mail carrier cheered for me. Smiles do help soothe the pain.
We'd signed up for the “Milder Metric” route, which turned out to be 51 miles and some 5,000 feet of climbing. The full century route approached 9,000 feet of climbing, which accounted for the riders I saw sporting Death Ride jerseys: This would be a good training ride in preparation for mid-July.
We were lucky with the weather (not too hot). Although we could have followed the official route from the fairgrounds back to the inn, that would have entailed more time on a busy road than I'd like. (Not a problem for those who rode it first thing, in the early morning.) The route I mapped out included one steep bit (again, over 10% grade)—but a little downhill momentum helped there, too. [Made it!]
May 31, 2024
Grass Valley Getaway
Our first hike, on the Alan Thiesen Trail, was short (not even a mile). I was wowed by the largest Pacific Madrone I'd ever seen. Common in the coastal hills of the Bay Area, I didn't expect to find this tree so close to the Sierras.
Signs had been placed to identify key native plants, and there were other little surprises in store. [Here's looking at you, kid!] Next up was a longer hike (about 2.7 miles), along the Wildflower Ridge and Rough & Ready Ditch Trails. Water still flows in this historic canal, originally dug to supply water for gold mining.When a tree falls in the forest, blocking a trail ... get creative!
Our third and final hike, 2.5 miles along the Wolf Creek Trail, would bring us close to the Nevada County Fairgrounds (where we would pick up our registration packets for tomorrow's ride). I was distracted by some butterflies, which turned out to be Mylitta crescents. I am now wondering why orange is a common color for butterflies. [Research needed.] When we pulled into the parking lot for this trail, we both recognized that we'd been here before. The Northstar Mining Museum was open, and we had time to indulge our curiosity. The place was fascinating! We even saw the Pelton Wheel in motion (no water now, just a manual spin). A day well spent!May 27, 2024
All the Land
Having the day off, some of my former colleagues were keen for a hike; I proposed that they join me for this one. Since the docent-led hike would be short, I offered to follow it with a second hike nearby.
From this vantage point we could see the fog glowing atop Monterey Bay in the distance, and soon after immerse ourselves in a woodland. How fortunate we are to have great expanses of wild, open land preserved around us! Still, a relatively small fraction of the local population has any awareness of these spaces. How many have no concept of the land that lies on the other side of the hills they pass on the freeway?Every outing is an opportunity to discover some wonderful new thing, like the northern checkerspots I found descending on golden yarrow in bloom.
After completing our loop at the top of Montebello, we returned to Picchetti Ranch to stretch our legs with a four-mile hike along the Zinfandel Trail. Mindful that the day was warming up, I was glad to notice a water station near the trailhead and encouraged everyone to fill up.Much of that trail is shaded, but an exposed section affords a birds-eye view of the Stevens Creek Reservoir.
All the land you cannot see ...