As usual, there were other people gazing upward at the rookery. It's fun to educate casual observers, and (as usual) I managed to surprise them with a cast-off eggshell I found in the grass. I needn't have looked so hard, as I later found two that had been carefully set aside (and added mine).
The chicks were raucous! A fellow bird-lover remarked that there were more nests this year than she'd ever seen here. Continuing the trend I've noticed, there were many more black-crowned night heron nests. Surely that's a mark of success? If a nesting site works, stick with it.Snowy egrets were plentiful, so I was particularly delighted to find a great egret showing off some fancy plumage.
When I set out this morning, I wasn't sure how I'd manage. By riding to (and from) the starting location, I basically double the distance (for a total of 51 miles, with about 1,000 feet of climbing). Taking the most direct route home, I didn't expect I'd be dodging my way through a beach-traffic-jam (so late in the day!). But with at least two alternate routes toward the coast still blocked for repair from last winter's storms, this may be the theme for the summer of 2023.Luckily I can get around on my bike.