'Twas the day after Thanksgiving, and all through the house ... [Oops, different holiday.]
Now that there's a chill in the air, an exposed (sunny) route is the ticket to happiness. To Metcalf, or not to Metcalf, that was the question.
My ride buddy's answer? Metcalf!
Given the date (“Black Friday”) and the need for advance reservations to use the dirt bike park, I anticipated few vehicles on the road. [Correct!] At the summit, we had a clear view of Mount Hamilton (and Lick Observatory) in the distance.
Temperature regulation is tricky this time of year. The light jacket over my wool jersey was not quite enough once we started cruising, and way too much halfway up the hill. Just keep turning the pedals, round and round ... Given the pause for my wardrobe adjustment, this would not be my best time up the hill (and, a minute slower than
my last trip).
Continuing our route after coming down the backside, I spotted a fellow club member heading in the opposite direction and waved. [Birds of a feather, we are.] I'd mapped out a loop that would take us along part of the ambitious climb-a-thon I'd once led. No need to go overboard, today. We paused to admire some unfamiliar trees with brilliant foliage along the residential streets.
Having climbed 2,200 feet over 20 miles, I set off on a local quest after returning home. November's workplace challenge (to encourage us to get outside and get moving) is to snap five photos featuring places serving different cuisines. That being hardly a challenge in the Bay Area, I decided to up my game by seeking out one-of-a-kind businesses, ranging from a tiny Jamaican spot to a noted farm-to-table restaurant with three Michelin stars. It was a lovely afternoon, growing ever chillier by the time I finished my little 9 mile loop (with merely 260 additional feet of climbing).
Leftover turkey, for my dinner.