March 9, 2024

Springtime Fun with Friends

Intent on framing the landscape just so, I didn't notice the sun's halo (ice crystals) until I looked at the photo, later.
With an experienced trail-running, rock-climbing colleague in town, many of my former teammates turned out for a moderate uphill hike. When they'd chosen St. Joseph's Hill, I'd reassured them that the trails would be reasonably mud-free. Having hiked there not long ago, the route was fresh in my memory.

I started out with a little tip that that the first part of the route would have us going up a pretty steep section, after which any climbs would be gentler. (I didn't want anyone to bail out, imagining that the rest of the hike would be that daunting!)

Eager for a bit more, we finished with a short stretch along the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Consensus was “enough!” when we reached the short (but steep) downhill section—which, of course, we'd have to climb back up. The long ramp across the back of the dam at Lexington Reservoir was a sufficient challenge.

Eleven humans and one charming canine hiked 4.6 miles, all smiles. Bonus discovery: tadpoles in the roadside puddles! A mom and her son were “rescuing” some for their home pond, claiming that the puddles would soon dry out. I don't know about that, but now I know that springtime puddles are worth a closer look!

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