March 28, 2009

Hill Repeats

One training strategy is to repeat a climb, over and over and over again. I suppose I should try that sometime. What could be more demoralizing than getting progressively slower on each ascent?

My strategy instead is to climb, climb, climb three different hills. My variation of today's club ride amounted to just that: Kings Mountain, Native Son, Starr Hill, and the aptly named Swett. Native Son and Starr Hill are lovely, mellow climbs deep in the redwood forest. Clinging to the side of the canyon, strewn with tree debris, you wonder why these roads exist at all - until you reach the gate at the bottom.
Stop. Keep Out. No Trespassing.
Swett Road connects Starr Hill to Skyline, and the first bit is wicked steep. What were they thinking? Hey, let's make a shortcut right here - might as well go straight up. A homeowner waited politely in his driveway as I suffered, cheering me on:
You're almost there, that's the worst part!
I was grateful for his understanding and encouragement. I had been a little worried about whether I'd be able to get up that nasty little pitch today, having donated a unit of blood a few days ago. Yes, that's right - disgraced pro cyclists have been busted for blood doping (boosting their red blood cell count), and here I am siphoning it away. This depresses my performance, but just might save a life - more than a reasonable trade-off, in my book.

We began and ended our ride in Woodside, where there are more hitching posts than bicycle racks. In fact, I'm not sure there are any bicycle racks. Much to the dismay of some residents, their town is at the crossroads of many popular bike routes. This being a truly lovely spring day, the town was swarming with people bedecked in colorful jerseys. Refueling at Roberts Market. Lunching at the Woodside Bakery. Not just passing through, clogging the roads and startling the horses.

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