I felt fine. So up I went.
What is the source of this sudden superwoman power?
There is a word for it. Steroids.
And no, I have not suddenly taken to doping. But if this is a taste of that, no wonder so many professional athletes have gone down that road.
Unable to shake off the lingering misery of sinus inflammation (for nearly a year), I finally saw a specialist. The initial treatment includes a few days of prednisone, which is having the desired effect. [And then some.]
Our merry band picked up a few stray riders along the way, having decided we seemed like a friendly bunch riding at just the right pace. First, a woman riding alone on her vintage bike, somewhat modernized by her boyfriend; later, a pair of guys who had some familiarity with our club. You know a cyclist is truly interested when they're willing to pull over and stop so I can hand them one of our club's calling cards.
Twenty-nine miles, about 1,800 feet of climbing ... and ooh, I feel fine.