November 28, 2024


“You could walk.” On Tuesday, volunteering to support advance packet pick-up for this year's Turkey Trot, those words came back to me.

A friend had suggested that I join her, but we would quickly be separated as ... I am not a runner. Not to mention the logistics of getting to downtown San Jose with 20,000+ other participants. Early. On Thanksgiving morning.

When I pointed a “virtual” participant to the right table, I remembered that was an option. During a lull on my shift, I signed up.

At home, I mapped out a suitable course—without the benefit of road closures, the Los Gatos Creek Trail would do nicely (to avoid traffic signals). The app recommended by the event organizers worked surprisingly well, announcing my split times at each one-mile mark. I was also glad that I'd decided to carry a second device, as a backup; when I began to worry that the app had stopped running before I'd completed my second mile, I was reassured to see that I'd covered 1.8 miles.

I was striding at an intentional and atypical (for me) aerobic pace. It was a race, after all! I had the luxury of starting whenever I wanted, which was later in the morning when the temperature was closer to 50°F than 35°F. Thinking back to other turkey-day adventures, I was grateful not to be shivering at the top of Mt. Hamilton.

My virtual 5k wasn't a lonely outing: there were plenty of runners, cyclists, and families with kids on scooters out on the trail.

The app congratulated me when I'd crossed the virtual 5k finish line; I had planned well to land in a scenic spot for a photograph. With visions of turkey, gravy, veggies, and cranberries dancing in my head, I slowed to a leisurely pace as I looped back to my starting point (for a total distance approaching five miles). Along the way, I collected three stray plastic bags and one flattened beer can.

Do what you can.

November 21, 2024


I'd gone to sleep last night nearly certain that our Thursday morning bike ride was not likely to happen. A big storm (“bomb cyclone”) is approaching, and although the worst of it would pass north of us, we would get some of it.

But it was dry, and the winds not (yet) as strong or gusty as yesterday. The weather radar images suggested we'd be dry; I donned a water-resistant jacket, just in case.

The wind picked up by the time we finished our coffee stop; somehow it's never a tailwind. Side gusts presented some challenges. My heavy hybrid held steady, but doesn't allow for much in the way of aerodynamic positioning.

The sky was filled with all manner of interesting clouds ... until I turned toward home. The clouds descended to mask the hills in a gray mist, and soon I felt the first pin-prick drops on my face. I was grateful to squeeze in my second 30-mile ride of the week, and to stay (mostly) dry.

November 18, 2024

While the Sun Shines

With my legs complaining during yesterday's hike, I wasn't sure I would want to hike today, and I certainly wasn't up for the longer route planned. I woke up with a mysterious backache. All I did was ... sleep?

But the thing is, we're about to get hammered with some rainy weather.

Our leader chose the loop I led a few months ago, but in the clockwise direction. We paired off: one friend joined me (barely visible in the photo above), and one joined our leader for the extended version. Something for everyone: the fast hikers on the longer route, and the slowpokes on the shorter edition.

Soon the hills will be green again.

November 17, 2024

Fall Color

Expecting little color in the landscape this time of year, I was surprised to find something bright—a flower that was new to me.
I had explained to my hiking companions that today's trails are reliable for wildflower viewing in the spring; turned out that the serpentine sunflower is also at home in this soil, later in the year.

Cloud cover was building as the day wore on; there was little wildlife to see, perhaps due to the cool temperature. Cattle grazed nearby, separated from the trail by barbed wire. We were treated to the sight of a nursing calf—not a common thing, for us.

As we circled toward the end of our 4.6 mile loop, we passed through an area busy with birds: acorn woodpeckers, California quail, lesser goldfinches. As we climbed the trail that would return us to the parking area, a large bird swooped overhead toward a tree. I couldn't be sure that it perched, or that I could find it, but my camera zoomed and delivered: a red-shouldered hawk.
The presenters at Raptor Fest yesterday had suggested that the area was popular with local raptors, and here was one—reinforcing the importance of preserving contiguous (or near-contiguous) tracts of wild open space.

November 16, 2024

Raptor Fest

It was 37°F when I woke up; my neighbors' rooftops were frosted. Perhaps registering for the first session of “Raptor Fest” today wasn't the best idea? [Dress warmly.]

Hosted by the Peninsula Open Space Trust and Santa Clara County Parks, we would be treated to a presentation by a falconer.

Hillside seating ensured clear views for all.

Before the program started, local nature-related organizations had tables to visit. The Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation Center had brought along a few birds. Certainly the closest I've been to a turkey vulture!
When the falconer brought out his first bird, he asked the audience to identify it. A few voices rang out, including the guy sitting next to me: aplomado falcon. [Hmm, you've been here before, I take it?]
The falconer was a skilled entertainer as well as educator, telling stories and readily answering questions. It's not all for show—he's licensed for abatement, and noted that Sunnyvale's pesky crow population has been reduced from about 800 birds to 130 or so. Before releasing his Harris's hawk to fly over the crowd, he noted that if you duck because you're unsettled by the bird flying too low overhead, the bird will react by flying lower. Put a hand up instead, he advised.
We learned that the ears of the Western barn owl are not symmetrically opposite, and that the ring of feathers circling the bird's face also contributes to its sense of hearing.
We heard the last bird on the program before we saw it, a startling cry that sounded like a sea bird to my untrained ear.
We learned that the peregrine falcon's eyesight is so keen that it can see dust particles rising in a thermal updraft. On a hot day, they'll climb higher to reach cooler air.

With so many event calendars to follow, I would have missed this had I not spotted an announcement posted on a county park's sign after a recent hike. It pays to pay attention!

November 9, 2024


Some months ago, my chief biking buddy observed that it had been a long time since we'd biked up Old Santa Cruz Highway. I noted that the road had been closed for quite some time (due to storm damage in multiple locations), but had reopened. (And I've explored it a few times since then.)
Today was our day. Post-summer-beach-traffic congestion. Pre-Christmas-tree-farm congestion. Neither too cold nor too hot. Lexington Reservoir's low water level surprised me; I expect they're preparing for winter rains, and I hope Mother Nature delivers.

Back in the day, it was permissible (and free) to park above the dam; that's been off-limits for many years. The local bike club prefers to start rides further south, where there is ample (and free) parking near the Lexington School, but that cuts out the scenic rolling hills on the east side of the reservoir—the route we chose today.

By now I've pedaled farther (and higher) than all of last year (or the year before that). I'd noticed that my enthusiasm for cycling waned significantly after I completed my recent three-day tour. Is this a trend? Cycling should be fun, not a chore.

We opted to return on the west side of the reservoir, which entails a short stretch on Highway 17 (at the edge of a lane that carries little traffic, leading to the reservoir). A motorist tapped his horn as he passed me, perhaps thinking that I shouldn't be there and didn't know what I was doing? Surprise! It is actually bicycle-legal (and not too scary).

We covered a little under 15 miles and 1,400 feet of elevation gain. But it's really about the camaraderie, not the stats.

November 4, 2024

Hints of History

Today's hike introduced me to a section of Almaden Quicksilver Park that I had not yet explored.

There are a few odd boulders that pop up around this area. Regrettably, I know nothing about geology. This specimen has an impressive fissure, though it didn't appear likely to split anytime soon.

The skies were clear, thanks to some recent windy weather. The trails gave us views of the Santa Cruz Mountains and Mt. Umunhum to the west, and
eastward across the valley to Mt. Hamilton and the Diablo Range.
Although some folks jumped ahead, the group mostly stayed together.

While it might seem obvious that you shouldn't stray off the trail to explore the crumbling remains of old cabins, warning signs were posted. One included a special note that hantavirus has been found in the park's rodents. That was a warning I'd never encountered, until now; all the more reason to stay clear of old buildings (and always read signs)!

The April Tunnel Trestle still stands, but the years have taken a toll. Without restoration, sections seem likely to collapse. It's an impressive relic, for now.
After hiking six miles I was ready for the sandwich I'd packed. This time of year, the picnic table's well-intentioned pergola cast a shadow on the ground, several feet away. It was surprisingly warm for a November day; four of us made like birds on a fence and perched side-by-side, our backs to the sun.

Now that the mining museum has reopened (though not daily), I should plan a visit. Some rainy day, this winter.